Firrtl is an intermediate representation (IR) for digital circuits designed as a platform for writing circuit-level transformations. This repository consists of a collection of transformations (written in Scala) which simplify, verify, transform, or emit their input circuit.
A Firrtl compiler is constructed by chaining together these transformations, then writing the final circuit to a file.
For a detailed description of Firrtl's intermediate representation, see the document "Specification of the Firrtl Language" located in spec/spec.pdf.
Useful information is on our wiki, located here:
Some important pages to read, before writing your own transform:
To write a Firrtl transform, please start with the tutorial here: src/main/scala/tutorial. To run these examples:
sbt assembly
./utils/bin/firrtl -td regress -tn rocket --custom-transforms tutorial.lesson1.AnalyzeCircuit
./utils/bin/firrtl -td regress -tn rocket --custom-transforms tutorial.lesson2.AnalyzeCircuit
- Firrtl syntax highlighting for Vim users:
- Firrtl mode for Emacs users:
- Chisel3, an embedded hardware DSL that generates Firrtl:
- Firrtl Interpreter:
- Yosys Verilog-to-Firrtl Front-end:
Disclaimer: The installation instructions should work for OSX/Linux machines. Other environments may not be tested.
- If not already installed, install verilator (Requires at least v3.886)
- If not already installed, install sbt (Requires at least v0.13.6)
- Clone the repository:
git clone && cd firrtl
- Compile firrtl:
sbt compile
- Run tests:
sbt test
- Build executable (
):sbt assembly
- Note: You can add
to your path to call firrtl from other processes
- Note: You can add
- Publish this version locally in order to satisfy other tool chain library dependencies:
sbt publish-local
- Run a single test suite:
sbt "testOnly firrtlTests.UnitTests"
- Continually execute a command:
sbt ~compile
- Only invoke sbt once:
> compile
> test
utils/bin/firrtl -i regress/rocket.fir -o regress/rocket.v -X verilog // Compiles rocket-chip to Verilog
utils/bin/firrtl --help // Returns usage string
If you use Firrtl in a paper, please cite the following technical report:
Author = {Li, Patrick S. and Izraelevitz, Adam M. and Bachrach, Jonathan},
Title = {Specification for the FIRRTL Language},
Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
Year = {2016},
Month = {Feb},
URL = {},
Number = {UCB/EECS-2016-9}