A systematic course about knowledge graph for graduate students, interested researchers and engineers.
地点:东南大学九龙湖校区, 纪忠楼Y205
1.1 知识图谱起源和发展
1.2 知识图谱 VS 深度学习
1.3 知识图谱 VS 关系数据库 VS 传统专家库
1.4 知识图谱本质和核心价值
1.5 知识图谱技术体系
1.6 典型知识图谱
1.7 知识图谱应用场景
课件下载:partA partB partC
2.1 知识表示概念
2.2 知识表示方法
- 语义网络
- 产生式系统
- 框架系统
- 概念图
- 形式化概念分析
- 描述逻辑
- 本体
- 本体语言
- 统计表示学习
3.1 本体
3.2 知识建模方法
- 本体工程
- 本体学习
- 知识建模工具
- 知识建模实践
4.1 知识抽取场景
4.2 知识抽取挑战
4.3 面向结构化数据的知识抽取
4.4 面向半结构化数据的知识抽取
4.5 面向非机构化数据的知识抽取
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- Auer S, Bizer C, Kobilarov G, et al. Dbpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data. ISWC2007: 722-735.
- Mitchell T, Cohen W, Hruschka E, et al. Never-ending learning. Communications of the ACM, 2018, 61(5): 103-115. earlier work
- Sowa J F. Knowledge representation: logical, philosophical, and computational foundations. 1999.
- Noy N F, McGuinness D L. Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology. another version
- 信息抽取
- Etzioni O, Cafarella M, Downey D, et al. Web-scale information extraction in knowitall:(preliminary results).WWW2004: 100-110.
- Banko M, Cafarella M J, Soderland S, et al. Open information extraction from the web. IJCAI2007, 7: 2670-2676.
- Sarawagi S. Information extraction. Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 2008, 1(3): 261-377.
- Fader A, Soderland S, Etzioni O. Identifying relations for open information extraction. EMNLP2011: 1535-1545.
- Fan J, Kalyanpur A, Gondek D C, et al. Automatic knowledge extraction from documents. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2012, 56(3.4): 5: 1-5: 10.
- Hearst M A. Automatic acquisition of hyponyms from large text corpora. ACL1992: 539-545.
- Wang C, Kalyanpur A, Fan J, et al. Relation extraction and scoring in DeepQA. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2012, 56(3.4): 9: 1-9: 12.
- 事件抽取
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- Papadakis G, Ioannou E, Palpanas T, et al. A blocking framework for entity resolution in highly heterogeneous information spaces. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2013, 25(12): 2665-2682.
- Li J, Wang Z, Zhang X, et al. Large scale instance matching via multiple indexes and candidate selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013, 50: 112-120.
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- Tang J, Fong A C M, Wang B, et al. A unified probabilistic framework for name disambiguation in digital library. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2012, 24(6): 975-987.
- Zhang Y, Zhang F, Yao P, et al. Name Disambiguation in AMiner: Clustering, Maintenance, and Human in the Loop. KDD2018: 1002-1011.
- Ngomo A C N, Auer S. LIMES—a time-efficient approach for large-scale link discovery on the web of data. IJCAI2011.
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- Bhatia S, Dwivedi P, Kaur A. That’s Interesting, Tell Me More! Finding Descriptive Support Passages for Knowledge Graph Relationships. ISWC2018: 250-267. (Best Paper)
- Soulet A, Giacometti A, Markhoff B, et al. Representativeness of Knowledge Bases with the Generalized Benford’s Law. ISWC2018: 374-390.
- Wang M, Wang R, Liu J, et al. Towards Empty Answers in SPARQL: Approximating Querying with RDF Embedding. ISWC2018: 513-529.
- Salas J, Hogan A. Canonicalisation of monotone SPARQL queries. ISWC2018: 600-616. (Best Student Paper)
- Pertsas V, Constantopoulos P, Androutsopoulos I. Ontology Driven Extraction of Research Processes. ISWC2018:162-178.
- Saeedi A, Peukert E, Rahm E. Using link features for entity clustering in knowledge graphs. ESWC2018: 576-592. (Best Paper)
- Schlichtkrull M, Kipf T N, Bloem P, et al. Modeling relational data with graph convolutional networks. ESWC2018: 593-607. (Best Student Paper)
- Hamid Z, Giulio N, Jens L. Formal Query Generation for Question Answering over Knowledge Bases. ESWC2018:714-728.
- Zhou L, Gao J, Li D, et al. The Design and Implementation of XiaoIce, an Empathetic Social Chatbot. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.08989, 2018.
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- Chen M, Tian Y, Chang K W, et al. Co-training embeddings of knowledge graphs and entity descriptions for cross-lingual entity alignment. IJCAI2018.
- Janke D, Staab S, Thimm M. Impact analysis of data placement strategies on query efforts in distributed rdf stores. Journal of Web Semantics, 2018, 50: 21-48.
- Han X, Zhu H, Yu P, et al. FewRel: A Large-Scale Supervised Few-Shot Relation Classification Dataset with State-of-the-Art Evaluation. EMNLP2018.
- Hou Y, Liu Y, Che W, et al. Sequence-to-Sequence Data Augmentation for Dialogue Language Understanding. ACL2018: 1234-1245.
- Tran V K, Nguyen L M. Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Variational Neural Language Generation in Dialogue Systems. COLING2018: 1205-1217.
- Zhang W, Cui Y, Wang Y, et al. Context-Sensitive Generation of Open-Domain Conversational Responses. COLING2018: 2437-2447.
- Shi W, Yu Z. Sentiment Adaptive End-to-End Dialog Systems. ACL2018, 1: 1509-1519.
- Zhang S, Dinan E, Urbanek J, et al. Personalizing Dialogue Agents: I have a dog, do you have pets too? ACL2018, 1: 2204-2213.
- Wei Z, Liu Q, Peng B, et al. Task-oriented dialogue system for automatic diagnosis. ACL2018, 2: 201-207.
- Sungjoon Park, Donghyun Kim and Alice Oh. Conversation Model Fine-Tuning for Classifying Client Utterances in Counseling Dialogues. NAACL2019.