This repo uses Conventional Commits.
Build Dependencies
- Node.JS for UI development
- Go 1.21 or greater for server development
- goreleaser
go install
To Edit Protobuffers
apt install -y protobuf-compiler
go install
go install[email protected]
go install
go install
go install
npm install -g @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es @connectrpc/protoc-gen-connect-es
(cd webui && npm i && npm run build)
(cd cmd/backrest && go build .)
You can also use VSCode with Dev Containers
extension to quickly get up and running with a working development and debugging environment.
- Make sure Docker and VSCode with Dev Containers extension is installed
- Clone this repository
- Open this folder in VSCode
- When propmpted, click on
Open in Container
button, or run> Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Containers
command - When container is started, go to
Run and Debug
, chooseDebug Backrest (backend+frontend)
and run it
Provided launch configuration has hot reload for typescript frontend.