🐼基于Vue编写的Github表情包大全 Writing based on Vue for github emoji
Web frontend code for my blogs, develop with Vue.
An online-shop designed and developed by VueJS and NodeJS, along with their related tech stacks.
🍭🍭🍭 Wow, Such a beautiful and powerful markdown editor
后台前端页面基于Vue+ElementUI , 前台前端页面微信小程序,后台对接ThinkPHP5+MySQL
A server-side-rending blog based on Vue2 && Koa2 && MongoDB
The asyncData hook is called by the service data of all Vue before ready, and after the data is obtained to update the vuex, when we render the Vue component, the component gets all the store data …
组件模块高复用,对于大型项目是完全有必要的,在此封装了一个网站最常用的消息提示弹窗组件,包括预设4种状态模式info、success、 error、 warning,点击关闭执行回调函数,内容可通过slot分发自定义。