![python logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/github/explore/80688e429a7d4ef2fca1e82350fe8e3517d3494d/topics/python/python.png)
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written in Go
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MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈💎✨
The most scalable and customizable OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider on the market. Become an OpenID Connect and OAuth2 Provider over night. Broad support for related RFCs. Writte…
Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
Distributed code review system for Git repos
📝 A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.
nFPM is Not FPM - a simple deb, rpm, apk, ipk, and arch linux packager written in Go