Important: eosjs2 is under active development and should be considered beta. Improvements and enhancements may break or remove existing functionality. Be sure to lock your dependencies.
Library for talking to the eos api. transact() is used to sign and push transactions onto the blockchain with an optional configuration object parameter. This parameter can override the default value of broadcast: true, and can be used to fill TAPOS fields given blocksBehind and expireSeconds. Given no configuration options, transactions are expected to be unpacked with TAPOS fields (expiration, ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix) and will automatically be broadcast onto the chain.
npm run build-web
or yarn build-web
Open test.html
in your browser of choice
These tests assume that you have a local node for EOS set up at localhost:8000. The test.html file should run through 5 test cases with the final showing an exception on the screen for missing required TAPOS.
npm run build-web
or yarn build-web
<pre style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin:0px; "></pre>
<script src='dist-web/eosjs2-debug.js'></script>
<script src='dist-web/eosjs2-jsonrpc-debug.js'></script>
<script src='dist-web/eosjs2-jssig-debug.js'></script>
let pre = document.getElementsByTagName('pre')[0];
const defaultPrivateKey = "5JtUScZK2XEp3g9gh7F8bwtPTRAkASmNrrftmx4AxDKD5K4zDnr"; // useraaaaaaaa
const rpc = new eosjs2_jsonrpc.JsonRpc('');
const signatureProvider = new eosjs2_jssig.default([defaultPrivateKey]);
const api = new eosjs2.Api({ rpc, signatureProvider });
(async () => {
try {
const resultWithConfig = await api.transact({
actions: [{
account: 'eosio.token',
name: 'transfer',
authorization: [{
actor: 'useraaaaaaaa',
permission: 'active',
data: {
from: 'useraaaaaaaa',
to: 'useraaaaaaab',
quantity: '0.0001 SYS',
memo: '',
}, {
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,
pre.textContent += '\n\nTransaction with configured TAPOS pushed!\n\n' + JSON.stringify(resultWithConfig, null, 2);
} catch (e) {
pre.textContent = '\nCaught exception: ' + e;
if (e instanceof eosjs2_jsonrpc.RpcError)
pre.textContent += '\n\n' + JSON.stringify(e.json, null, 2);
Note: tested with Node v10.3.0. Older versions need older syntax.
npm install eosjs2
or yarn add eosjs2
const eosjs2 = require('eosjs2');
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); // node only; not needed in browsers
const { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } = require('text-encoding'); // node only; not needed in browsers
const defaultPrivateKey = "5JtUScZK2XEp3g9gh7F8bwtPTRAkASmNrrftmx4AxDKD5K4zDnr"; // useraaaaaaaa
const rpc = new eosjs2.Rpc.JsonRpc('', { fetch });
const signatureProvider = new eosjs2.SignatureProvider([defaultPrivateKey]);
const api = new eosjs2.Api({ rpc, signatureProvider, textDecoder: new TextDecoder, textEncoder: new TextEncoder });
(async () => {
try {
const resultWithConfig = await api.transact({
actions: [{
account: 'eosio.token',
name: 'transfer',
authorization: [{
actor: 'useraaaaaaaa',
permission: 'active',
data: {
from: 'useraaaaaaaa',
to: 'useraaaaaaab',
quantity: '0.0001 SYS',
memo: '',
}, {
blocksBehind: 3,
expireSeconds: 30,
console.log(JSON.stringify(resultWithConfig, null, 2));
} catch (e) {
console.log('Caught exception: ' + e);
if (e instanceof eosjs2.Rpc.RpcError)
console.log(JSON.stringify(e.json, null, 2));