An implementation of the paper Bayesian Image Super Resolution by Michael Tipping and Christopher Bishop. The method is performed in the multi-frame super-resolution paradigm - multiple low-resolution images are used to reconstruct the high-resolution image.
To run the script, execute the command
python3 -m resolve --image-path ./path/to/image --logdir ./path/to/logdir
The defaults of this script are
num_images = 16
seed = 42
upscale factor = 4
- Border cases are not handled correctly in the script
- The above causes blocking artifacts shown evident in the image of the zebra
- Due to computational requirements, only images of size of roughly 100 x 100 can be super-resolved in a reasonable amount of time. At around 200 x 200 OOM errors are likely
- Owing to the above, images are automatically resized to 100 x 100 and low-resolution images are generated of size 25 x 25. Low-resolution images of this size cause a loss of high frequency information. This causes the ringing artifacts observed in the image of the apple and car