Mapsui is a C# map component for apps
- Supported platforms: WPF, UWP, Android, iOS
- The core PCL is Profile 111
- Designed to be fast and responsive (see architecture)
- Based on a modified version of SharpMap
- Uses BruTile to access tile services
- April 25: Mapsui 1.0 has been released! Read the announcement
- May 7: First app using Mapsui 1.0 hits the store. Take a look at Breath Companion on iOS and Android. It demonstrates offline maps with MBTiles, feature info, layer activation depending on resolution and shows Mapsui can be used in Xamarin.Forms.
- May 25: Sebastian Kruse blogs about how to use Mapsui in Xamarin.Forms
Look here
PM> Install-Package Mapsui
- WPF - Windows Desktop on .NET 4.5.2
- UWP - Windows Store on Windows 10 build 10586
- Android - Xamarin.Android on API Level 19 (v4.4 - Kit Kat)
- iOS - Xamarin.iOS
Please take a look at the wiki. Let us know what information you are missing for your projects.
If you have a question please submit an issue or post a question on stackoverflow with the 'mapsui' tag (I will get a notification).