Convertor of openlyric XML to *.usr supporded by pro presenter
With help of openLP it can convert old pro presenter formats epicworship and other
you just need to import it to open lp (it must show all characters correctly in openlp) and export it out of it...
further conversion is done by
convert script need just newest python 3
Translation is speady ( on machine with i5-7200U with SSD translate about 100 files per second) but on slower machines or machines without ssd it can be slower.... please wait til end of translation. proces of one file is singified with rotation of slash / (one change =one file)
you place into directory with your songs in openlyric format and run it(from same directory) on windows there is conviniency runners (windows-run-Me...en/cz) on linux it is advised to cd into directory and run it
... script will tell you how many xml it founded and ask you to path to folder where to place result
path can be absolute (/home/someuser|c:/users/me/desktop/) and relative ./ (curent folder) ../ (parent folder) ../folder_in_parent path can (but does not have to ) have slash (/ or ) at end...
There are some problems with this program 1st... if multiple files have same title then only 1st one file is translated and folowing are ignored (and reported on end of translation) also if name contain slash (/ ) slash is changed to /
oficialy windows and linux is supported