Between August 2022 and July 2023, I was in Eindhoven, Netherlands for an exchange with the Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
I met friends and collegues and we worked on what we needed to do.
If you are a Fontys Student registered in Advanced Computer Science / Smart Mobile Development or in one the following courses:
- ALG1
- ALG2
- APL or Applied Logic
- DETH or Decision Theory
- DS or Data Science
- FP or Functional Programing
- SYNC or Synchronisation
Be careful! If you are caught cheating, we do not want to be involved in any way. It will be your fault.
Also, do not cheat or Death, from Puss In Boots 2, will come for you.
This repository contains all the work I produced with my friends during my exchange at Fontys.
You can access each folder by clicking on any link below: