Simple ESP01S/BME280 weather station designed to provide environment readings every 10 minutes and run for about 6 months on 2 AA batteries.
- ESP01S module with deepsleep mod.
- ESP01 breakout board (recommended, not required).
- BME280 module. In theory, one should be able to use the BMP280 as well, albeit without the humidity component. For that reason, I will refer to the Bosch module as BMx280.
- Web server data can be sent to. Raspberry Pi with lighttpd works well. Data can be parsed using PHP and forwarded onto Weather Underground or other weather reporting services.
- BMx280 SDA to ESP GPIO0
- BMx280 SDC to ESP GPIO2
- BMx280 GND to ESP GND
- BMx280 VCC to ESP TXD
Data sent from the ESP01S module is also providing voltage information, which should be monitored and batteries replaced when V1 voltage starts approaching 2.7V.
- Powering BMx280 through GPIO to prevent various reset/reading issues with the BMx280 modules.