To access the bot in Telegram:
- Send a message to "@EMCHubBot" or search for "EMCHubBot".
- Click on "@EMCHubBot" to open the bot.
To run the demo locally, follow these steps:
- Install the necessary dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
To handle Telegram authentication data on the server, use the following code:
import { validate, parse, type InitDataParsed } from '@tma.js/init-data-node';
const TELEGRAM_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
function handleTelegramAuthData(authData: string) {
try {
// Validate init data.
validate(authData, TELEGRAM_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN, {
// We consider init data sign valid for 1 hour from their creation moment.
expiresIn: 3600,
// Parse init data. We will surely need it in the future.
const data: InitDataParsed = parse(authData);
return ['', data];
} catch (e) {
return [e.message, null];
export const handler = async (request: any, response: any) => {
const { raw: authData } = request.body;
const [err, data] = handleTelegramAuthData(authData);
response.code(200).send({ _result: 0, data: data });