- contains 4 slides(use reveal.js)
- 0-css.html Introduce CSS selector
- 1-intro.html Introduce Selenium
- 2-foundation.html How to use Selenium API
- 3-advanced.html Advanced features
- ruby codes in 1-intro and 2-foundation needs install Ruby(>= 2.3) first, Selenium Standalone Server, Chromedriver
- codes in 3-advanced need more tools, see 3-advanced.html for more details
0-css.html CSS选择器的使用
1-intro.html Selenium基础
2-foundation.html Selenium WebDriver 接口使用
3-advanced.html Selenium在项目里的使用
- 需要安装Ruby(>= 2.3),Selenium Standalone Server,Chromedriver
- 如果想把测试跑在服务器上,进行无图形用户界面的测试,需要安装PhantomJS及对应的 WebDriver