This site serves as a platform for me to share my cybersecurity endeavors and document my journey through various Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges. It also features a blog section where I mainly write CTF writeups, providing detailed explanations of my thought process and solutions for different challenges.
I am passionate about cybersecurity and constantly strive to enhance my skills in this field. Through this site, I aim to share my knowledge, experiences, and insights with the cybersecurity community.
In the blog section, you will find a collection of CTF writeups where I dissect and analyze different challenges I have encountered. These writeups serve as a valuable resource for fellow cybersecurity enthusiasts, providing step-by-step explanations and solutions to help you improve your own skills.
- OS: Windows/Linux
- IP:
- Difficulty: Easy/Medium/Hard
- Ran Nmap scan and discovered open ports/services:
nmap -p- -sV
- Enumerated the web server and found a login page at
- Identified a potential vulnerability in the login page.
- Exploited the vulnerability using a SQL injection attack to bypass authentication and gain access to the admin panel.
- Found a vulnerable service running with root/admin privileges.
- Exploited the vulnerability to escalate privileges and gain root/admin access.
- Gathered sensitive information from the compromised machine.
- Explored the file system and discovered interesting files and directories.
- Extracted credentials and other valuable data.
- Successfully compromised the machine and achieved the objectives.
- Documented the steps taken and findings for future reference.