Usage: ./
- Objective: Enumerate as many subdomains for as possible for the target TLD
- Description: The script uses amass to collect valid subdomains, followed by massdns to brute-force, and finally dnsgen to mutate a list of of subdomains and re-feed it back to massdns to brute-force again.
- Objective: Take screenshots of all the sites found from the subdomains.
- Description: The script uses Eyewitness to take the screenshots. Currently I am just take screenshots on port 80,443 as this tool can take sometime and I want it to be quick.
- Objective: Search for any interesting or sensitive directories in the enumerated subdomains.
- Description: The script uses gobuster to search for interesting directories. I used to use dirsearch but found that gobuster does the job quicker especially since it is written in GO.
- The three (3) scripts are then combined into a master script - All output is then fed to an incoming webhook on Slack so I can monitor this from the comfort of my couch.
Write-up :