run docker with vagrant provider through remote docker host on ubuntu
install the following tools
- vagrant (>=1.9.4 but 1.9.5-2.0 doesn't work on windows)
- virtualbox
- powershell(>=3.0 on only windows)
on root directory, vagrant up
*on first time, needs much time for install box images and docker tools
on root directory, run vagrant halt
on root directory, run vagrant destroy
change following two files.
- ./ubuntu-vagrant/Vagranfile: config.vm.synced_folder {OS dir}, {proxyVM dir}
- ./Vagrantfile: config.vm.synced_folder {proxyVM dir}, {docker container dir}
on root directory, run following commands.
cd ubuntu-vagrant
vagrant reload
cd ..
vagrant reload
stop docker and run following commands.
cd ubuntu-vagrant
vagrant halt