Starred repositories
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.
This project is deprecated and stale. The latest ExoPlayer code is available in
Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization (帮助 Android App 进行组件化改造的路由框架)
🔥🔥🔥Banner 2.0 来了!Android广告图片轮播控件,内部基于ViewPager2实现,Indicator和UI都可以自定义。
Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat.
OkGo - 3.0 震撼来袭,该库是基于 Http 协议,封装了 OkHttp 的网络请求框架,比 Retrofit 更简单易用,支持 RxJava,RxJava2,支持自定义缓存,支持批量断点下载管理和批量上传管理功能
Simplify Android M system permissions
android java and javascript bridge, inspired by wechat webview jsbridge
Ultra Pull to Refresh for Android. Support all the views.
Android filters based on OpenGL (idea from GPUImage for iOS)
Some Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development.
Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView
Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
手把手教你整合最优雅SSM框架:SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis
A Model-View-Presenter / Model-View-Intent library for modern Android apps
A super fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run
Android component which presents a dismissible view from the bottom of the screen
For resolve the layout conflict when keybord & panel are switching (Android键盘面板冲突 布局闪动处理方案)
Android图表库(XCL-Charts is a free charting library for Android platform.),基于Android Canvas来绘制各种图表,使用简便,定制灵活。目前支持3D/非3D/背向式/横向/竖向柱形图(Bar Chart)、3D/非3D饼图(Pie Chart)、堆叠图(Stacked Bar Chart)、面积图(Area Char…
Automatic binding+disposal of RxJava streams.