MVP Public
Forked from SuperMan42/MVPApp based on Material Design + MVP + Rxjava + Retrofit + Okhttp + RecyclerView + Glide + cache + theme + others + 全民直播 + 高德选址
Java UpdatedJan 9, 2023 -
rust-tcp Public
Forked from jonhoo/rust-tcpA learning experience in implementing TCP in Rust
Rust UpdatedJan 6, 2021 -
QuestionAnsweringSystem Public
Forked from ysc/QuestionAnsweringSystemQuestionAnsweringSystem是一个Java实现的人机问答系统,能够自动分析问题并给出候选答案。
MinimalistWeather Public
Forked from BaronZ88/MinimalistWeatherAndroid 平台开源天气 App,采用 MVP、RxJava、Retrofit2、OKHttp3、Dagger2、RetroLambda 等开源库来实现。
Android-PickerView Public
Forked from Bigkoo/Android-PickerView仿iOS的PickerView控件,有时间选择和选项选择并支持一二三级联动效果
Java UpdatedDec 2, 2016 -
mCalendarView Public
Forked from SpongeBobSun/mCalendarViewCustomizable & Shrinkable Calendar Widget for Android
RocooFix Public
Forked from dodola/RocooFixanother hotfix framework
Java MIT License UpdatedSep 16, 2016 -
AgendaCalendarView Public
Forked from Tibolte/AgendaCalendarViewAn Android project providing easy navigation between a calendar and an agenda. This library replicates the basic features from the Sunrise Calendar (now Outlook) app, coupled with some small design…
Java UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
OkHttpUtils Public
Forked from jeasonlzy/okhttp-OkGo封装了okhttp的网络框架,支持大文件上传下载,上传进度回调,下载进度回调,表单上传(多文件和多参数一起上传),链式调用,可以自定义返回对象,支持Https和自签名证书,支持cookie的持久化和自动管理,支持四种缓存模式缓存网络数据,支持301和302重定向,扩展了统一的上传管理和下载管理功能
Java UpdatedJul 14, 2016 -
talk2me-chatroom Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/talk2me-chatroom
HTML UpdatedApr 21, 2016