Implementation of CCS'2022 paper "SymLM: Predicting Function Names in Stripped Binaries via Context-Sensitive Execution-Aware Code Embeddings"
Implementation of "Beyond Classification: Inferring Function Names in Stripped Binaries via Domain Adapted LLMs" (NDSS'25)
Academic papers related to fuzzing, binary analysis, and exploit dev, which I want to read or have already read
A curated list of papers, theses, datasets, and tools related to the application of Machine Learning for Software Engineering
simple type recognition in decompiled executables
For our CCS24 paper 🏆 "ReSym: Harnessing LLMs to Recover Variable and Data Structure Symbols from Stripped Binaries" by Danning Xie, Zhuo Zhang, Nan Jiang, Xiangzhe Xu, Lin Tan, and Xiangyu Zhang. …
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An awesome & curated list of binary code similarity papers
A collection of papers, tools about type inferring, variable renaming, function name inferring on stripped binary executables.