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Boulder Dimension Calculation using QGIS and Python 🗻🌊

CI/CD License: MIT Python 3.10+ QGIS 3.28+

A production-ready toolkit for calculating boulder dimensions (length, width, height) from Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) data. Designed for geologists, marine researchers, and environmental scientists.

Table of Contents

Key Features 🚀

Feature Description Technology Used
Automated Dimension Extraction Calculates length/width via polygon orientation and height via bathymetric raster analysis. GDAL, Shapely, PCA
Parallel Processing 4x faster processing using thread pools for large datasets. concurrent.futures, Dask
QGIS Integration Runs as standalone script or QGIS plugin with GUI. PyQGIS, Qt Designer
Error Resilience Auto-skipping invalid geometries with detailed error logging. logging, Sentry (optional)
3D Visualization Optional output for visualizing boulders in 3D space. Matplotlib, PyVista

Workflow Diagram

MBES Data → Polygon Input → Centroid Calculation → PCA Orientation → Raster Sampling → Dimension Export
                         │                          │
                         └── Error Handling ←───────┘


Docker Setup (Recommended)

# 1. Build the QGIS-enabled container
docker build -t boulder-calculator .

# 2. Run processing (mount data to /data)
docker run -v /path/to/your/data:/data boulder-calculator \
  --input /data/boulders.shp \
  --raster /data/bathymetry.tif \
  --output /data/results.shp

Manual Setup

# Create virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate  # Linux/macOS
.venv\Scripts\activate     # Windows

# Install with PyQGIS support
pip install "qgis>=3.28" geopandas rasterio sentry-sdk


Command Line

python \
  --input "path/to/boulders.shp" \
  --raster "path/to/bathymetry.tif" \
  --output "results.shp" \
  --workers 8  # Use 8 CPU cores

QGIS Plugin

  1. Copy the boulder_plugin folder to ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/
  2. Enable via Plugins → Manage and Install Plugins
  3. Access via toolbar:
    QGIS Plugin Interface

Data Specifications

Input Requirements

File Type Fields CRS Example
Polygons (SHP) boulder_id, geometry EPSG:4326 Sample Data
Raster (GeoTIFF) Bathymetric depth values Must match vector CRS Sample Raster

Output Schema

Field Type Description
centroid Point Boulder center (WGS84)
length_m Float Longest axis (meters)
width_m Float Shortest axis (meters)
height_m Float Elevation difference (meters)
confidence Float Data quality score (0-1)

Advanced Features

1. Machine Learning Filtering

from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

# Remove outlier boulders during post-processing
model = IsolationForest(contamination=0.05)
boulders["is_outlier"] = model.fit_predict(boulders[["length_m", "width_m"]])
clean_boulders = boulders[boulders["is_outlier"] != -1]

2. Cloud Integration

# Process directly from AWS S3
python \
  --input "s3://marine-data/boulders.shp" \
  --raster "s3://marine-data/bathymetry.tif" \
  --output "s3://results-bucket/output.shp"

Testing & Validation

# Run unit/integration tests
pytest tests/ --cov=src --cov-report=html

# Generate test coverage report
open htmlcov/index.html

Validation Checks:

  • Polygon geometry validity (non-intersecting, closed rings)
  • Raster resolution ≥ 1m/pixel
  • CRS consistency between vector/raster


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create feature branch:
    git checkout -b feat/new-algorithm
  3. Submit PR with:
    • Tests in tests/
    • Updated documentation
    • Type hints for new functions


MIT License - see LICENSE for details.



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