We are not responsible for any damage that is caused by possible vulnerabilities contained in this project. Please always run your own security checks first, before you start implementing production systems with sensitive data. Also, use strong encryption algorithms (like: AES, RSA, SSH, ...) and secure hash functions (e.g. SHA256 is considered to be secure).
Please report any vulnerability or deadly bug to [email protected].
Provide the following information:
- Very Low: Not really a problem, just nice to have
- Low: Could become a problem in the future or has no security impact
- Medium: Has a minor security impact, e.g. allows to slow-down a Quicky instance
- High: Can lead to crashes, enumerations, allows HTML injection, ...
- Very High: Allows database leaks, any code injection, ...
Describe the vulnerability shortly, such that the reader gets an idea of the nature of your issue.
Now, please describe in more detail how we can trigger this issue/exploit the vulnerability. We appreciate a step-by-step guide.
If you already know where this issue comes from, please provide us the information here.
If necessary, provide us any attachments (e.g. images, videos, exploit files, ...)