- 🎯 I’m currently working on: Building a high-performance microservices architecture with ASP.NET Core and Blazor for Ponomareff.eShop
- 💬 Ask me about: .NET, ASP.NET Core, Microservices, CI/CD, SignalR, and Clean Architecture
- 📫 How to reach me: Connect with me on LinkedIn! 👆
Here’s how I can help you::
- C# (ASP.NET Core), JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- C++, Python, React
- Unreal Engine
- MediatR, Entity Framework Core, IdentityServer4, Dapper
- Docker & Docker Compose, Kubernetes (K8s)
- Jenkins, GitHub Actions
- MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MSSQL
- RabbitMQ, Redis
- Prometheus & Grafana, ELK Stack, Serilog, NLog
- xUnit, Moq, FluentAssertions, TestContainers, AutoFixture, Bogus
- GraphQL, gRPC, SignalR