Template for making new blocks. d3_.js
contains a custom of build of d3 with jetpack and underscore.
Make a new directory and copy this code with degit:
mkdir my-example-name && cd $_
degit 1wheel/d3-init
Let’s Make a Block is a great introduction. I use a couple of additional tools:
# install CLI helpers
npm install -g degit hot-server gistsnap gistup git-go gistclone gistopen
# pick a project name and make a directory
mkdir my-example-name && cd my-example-name
# grab starter files
degit 1wheel/d3-init
# start a local server
# write some code...
# take a screen shot
# publish
gistup -m my-example-name
# update
git-go this is a commit message
# open on blocks.roadtolarissa.com
# download
gistclone https://blocks.roadtolarissa.com/1wheel/4b9d34d74bd64a63d34028f160a71d7b
- https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit
- https://github.com/1wheel/hot-server
- https://github.com/mbostock/gistup
- https://github.com/gka/git-go
- https://github.com/1wheel/gistclone
- https://github.com/1wheel/gistsnap
This alias lets me start sketching with one command:
alias initblock='function __initblock() { mkdir $1 && cd $1 && degit 1wheel/d3-init && echo " " > README.md && gistup -m $1 --private --no-open && git checkout -b master && git push -u origin master --force && subl . && hot-server; unset -f __initblock; }; __initblock'