C++ Bitcoin library for microcontrollers. Supports Arduino, ARM mbed, bare metal.
It provides a collection of convenient classes for Bitcoin and general elliptic curve ariphmetics.
This library is built on top of trezor-crypto library. API is inspired by Jimmy's Porgramming Blockchain class and book.
Documentation: https://micro-bitcoin.github.io/docs/.
- PrivateKey - a single private key class. Stores the 32-byte secret and network information (mainnet or testnet). Can be exported / imported as WIF. Inherits functionality from ECScalar - you can add, multiply, divide them, multiply PublicKey by it etc.
- PublicKey - a single public key class. Inherits functionality from ECPoint class - you can add them, multiply by scalar etc.
- HDPrivateKey - HD wallet private key with bip32 functionality. For common derivation pathes (bip44/49/84) automatically detects the script types. Can derive children and hardened children, can be derived from mnemonic or seed.
- HDPublicKey - An HD public key corresponding to a particular HD private key. Can derive children, but not hardened.
Handy functions:
generateMnemonic(int strength)
- generates a new mnemonic using RNGgenerateMnemonic(const uint8_t * entropy_data, size_t length)
- generates mnemonic from byte arraygenerateMnemonic(const char * entropy_string)
- generates mnemonic from the string
- Signature - ECDSA signature
- Script
- Witness
- Tx - transaction class
- TxIn
- TxOut
Extra classes:
- PSBT - partially signed bitcoin transaction (bip174)
- ElectrumTx - unsigned electrum transaction, poorly implemented, consider using PSBT instead.
- ECScalar - a 256-bit number modulo N (curve order)
- ECPoint - a point on an elliptic curve (secp256k1)
Hash functions defined in Hash.h file.
Single line functions:
- sha256
- sha256Hmac
- sha512
- sha512Hmac
- rmd160
- hash160 - rmd160(sha256(m))
- doubleSha
And corresponding hash classes (with HMAC support):
- SHA256
- SHA512
- RMD160
- Hash160
- DoubleSha
- external key storage support (i.e. smart cards and chips like ATECC608A)
- cryptoaccelerators and TRNG support
- handy functions to construct knowns script - HTLC, multisig, timelocks
- script evaluation
- tests (especially on the edge cases)
- security audit of the code - improve on sidechannels etc
- micro-python bindings
- lightning support (probably gonna be a separate library)
- memory optimizations (internal storage for large transactions to reduce RAM footprint etc)
- BlockHeader
- MerkleProof