Control your Philips Hue lights from inside neovim.
- Toggle individual lights on and off
- Toggle groups (rooms) on and off
- Set brightness of groups or individual lights
- List groups configured on the bridge
- List lights configured on the bridge
To function properly, neohue requires:
- to send cURL requestslua-cjson
- to parse JSON responses from the bridge (luarocks dependency)
Use your favourite plugin manager, packer, vim-plug, etc.
Here's an example for packer.nvim:
use {
config = function()
cache_bridge_ip = true,
auto_discover = true,
silent = false
requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
rocks = { "lua-cjson" }
Then install the lua-cjson LuaRocks dependency:
sudo luarocks install lua-cjson
-- `auto_discover`: whether neohue should try and discover your HUE bridge through SSDP
auto_discover = true,
-- `cache_bridge_ip`: tells neohue to cache the discovered IP-address on your filesystem, that way on the subsequent starts of neovim, neohue doesn't have to check your network again
cache_bridge_ip = true
-- `silent`: en/-disable notifications for events with the HUE bridge (IP found, etc.)
-- true is on = no notifications
-- false is off = notifications
silent = false,
-- `bridge_ip`: if you know the IP-address of your HUE bridge, set this field
-- if it is set, discovering and caching is not needed, if it is nil, then you have to either
-- enable `auto_discover`, or manually start discovering with `:HueDiscover` or `require"neohue".discover()`
bridge_ip = nil
Once the plugin is installed and the bridge was discovered, you have to pair neohue with the bridge.
- Go to your HUE Bridge and press the link button
- Go back to your PC and run :HueConnect, if everything goes well neohue will now be paired to your bridge
NOTE: Do it in this order, it won't work if you first execute :HueConnect and then go press the link button
:HueDiscover Try to discover the hue bridge on your network, only needed when bridge_ip wasn't set AND auto_discover is false
:HueConnect Create a new API user on the HUE bridge (required to interact with the bridge, after pairing neohue with the bridge, the API-"key" is saved locally)
:HueLight <index> on/off Turn light <index> on or off
:HueLightToggle <index> Turn light <index> on or off, depending on its current state
:HueLightBrightness <index> <val> Set the brightness for light <index> to <val> where <val> is a value between 0-100 (percentage)
:HueGroup <index/name> on/off Turn group/room <index> on or off
:HueGroupToggle <index/name> Turn group/room <index> on or off, depending on its current state
:HueGroupBrightness <index/name> <val> Set the brightness for group <index> to <val> where <val> is a value between 0-100 (percentage)
local neohue = require"neohue"
local ip = neohue.get_bridge_ip() -- Return the bridge IP-address -- Try to discover the bridge on your network using SSP
neohue.reset() -- Reset the stored API username & the cached IP address
neohue.connect() -- Pair neohue to your bridge
-- Get one specific room with ``
local my_room ="justin")
-- `my_room` supports the same functions as the examples below, (i.e. on, off, toggle, brighten, set_brightness)
-- ... or get one light bulb (only by index)
local first_bulb = neohue.light(1)
-- `first_bulb` also supports the same functions as described in the example below
-- Returns a table of light bulbs configured on the bridge,
local bulbs = neohue.lights()
for k, bulb in pairs(bulbs) do
bulb:on() -- To toggle it on
bulb:off() -- To toggle it off
bulb:toggle() -- To switch depending on its current state
bulb:brighten(10) -- Brighten by 10%
bulb:set_brightness(90) -- Set brightness to 90%
local groups = neohue.groups()
for k, group in pairs(groups) do
-- Not every group is a room
if v.type == "Room" then
group:on() -- To toggle it on
group:off() -- To toggle it off
group:toggle() -- To switch depending on its current state
group:brighten(10) -- Brighten by 10%
group:set_brightness(90) -- Set brightness to 90%
If you have telescope installed, you can run the neohue picker:
:Telescope neohue rooms theme=dropdown
Pressing on any room listed toggles the lights in the room on or off.
- Make curl requests asynchronous