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Associate files with Eloquent models

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This Laravel 5 package provides an easy way to associate all sorts of files with Eloquent models. Additionally it can create image manipulations on images that have been added in the medialibrary.


You can install this package via composer using:

composer require spatie/laravel-medialibrary

Next, you must install the service provider and the facade.

// config/app.php
'providers' => [
// config/app.php
'aliases' => [
    'MediaLibrary' => 'Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryFacade',

To publish the config file to app/config/laravel-medialibrary.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider"

After the migration has been published you can create the media-table you by running the migrations.

php artisan migrate

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

     * The medialibrary will use this directory to store added files and derived images.
     * If you are planning on using the url to the derived images, make sure
     * you specify a directory inside Laravel's public path.
     * The package will automatically add a .gitignore file to this directory
     * so you don't end of committing these files in your repo.
    'publicPath' => public_path().'/media',

     * The maximum file size of an item in bytes. If you try to add a file
     * that is larger to the medialibrary it will result in an exception.
    'maxFileSize' => 1024 * 1024 * 10,

     * These image profiles will applied on all used that implement
     * the MediaLibraryModelTrait.
     * See the README of the package for an example.
    'globalImageProfiles' => [],
     * The medialibrary will used this queue to generate derived images.
     * Leave empty to use the default queue.
    'queueName' => 'media_queue',

If you are planning on working with the image manipulations you should configure a queue on your service with the name specified in the config file.

Basic usage

In essence the medialibrary is very simple. All files added to the library are associated a record in the db. All examples in this readme assume that you have already have a news model set up. Of course this package will work with any Eloquent model.

To relate media to a model, the model must implement this interface and trait:

namespace App\Models;

use Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryModel\MediaLibraryModelInterface;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryModel\MediaLibraryModelTrait;

class News extends Model implements MediaLibraryModelInterface

	use MediaLibraryModelTrait;

###Using the facade Using the facade you can add items to the library like this:

$collectionName = 'myFirstCollection'
$newsItem = News::find(1);
MediaLibrary::add($pathToAFile, $newsItem, $collectionName);

Adding a file will move your file to a directory managed by the medialibrary.

To retrieve files you can use the getCollection-method:

$mediaItems = MediaLibrary::getCollection($newsItem, $collectionName);

The method returns an array with Media-objects that are in the collection for the given model.

You can retrieve the url to the file associated with Media-object with:

$publicURL = $mediaItems[0]->getURL('detail');

getURL() also accepts a second parameter to retrieve the url for a certain profile.

You can remove something from the library by passing the a media id to the remove method of the facade:


If you delete a record all related files will be removed from the filesystem.

$newsItem->delete(); //all associated files will be deleted as well

###Using the model Nearly all the methods of the facade are also available on the model itself.

$newsItem = News::find(2);
$collectionName = 'anotherFineCollection';
$newsItem->addMedia($pathToAFile, $collectionName);

$mediaItems = $newsItem->getMedia($collectionName);
$publicURL = $mediaItems[0]->getURL('original');

//remove a single mediaItem

You can also remove all items in a collection.

$newsItem->addMedia($pathToAFile, $collectionName);
$newsItem->addMedia($pathToAnotherFile, $collectionName);
$newsItem->addMedia($pathToYetAnotherFile, $collectionName);
//all media in the collection will be removed

Working with images

###Defining profiles Imagine you are making a site with a list of all news-items. Wouldn't it be nice to show the user a thumb of image associated with the news-item? When adding images to the medialibrary, it can create these derived images for you.

You can let the medialibrary know that it should make a derived image by implementing the getImageProfileProperties()-method on the model.

//in your news model
public function getImageProfileProperties()
    return [
        'list'=> ['w'=>200, 'h'=>200],
        'detail'=> ['w'=>1600, 'h'=>800],

When associating a jpg-file or png-file to the library it will, besides storing the original image, create a derived image for every key in the array. Of course "list" and "detail" are only examples. You can use any string you like as a key as long as it doesn't contain underscores (future versions of this package will remove this limitation). The example above uses a width and height manipulation.

Internally the medialibrary uses Glide to manipulate images. You can use any parameter you find in their image API.

If your Laravel app is configured to use queues, the derived images will be generated in a queued job. If you don't want this you can specify use the shouldBeQueued-option like this:

//in your news model
public function getImageProfileProperties()
    return [
        'list'=> ['w'=>200, 'h'=>200, 'shouldBeQueued' => false],
        'detail'=> ['w'=>1600, 'h'=>800, 'shouldBeQueued' => false],

By default the derived images will be stored as jpg's. If you want another image format you can specify pngor gif using the fm-key in an an imageprofile. For example:

//in your news model
public function getImageProfileProperties()
    return [
        'list'=> ['w'=>200, 'h'=>200, 'shouldBeQueued' => false, 'fm' => 'png'],
        'detail'=> ['w'=>1600, 'h'=>800, 'shouldBeQueued' => false, 'fm' => 'gif'],

###Retrieving derived images Here's example that shows you how to get the url's to the derived images:

$newsItem = News::find(3);
$collectionName = 'anotherFineCollection';
$newsItem->addMedia($pathToAFile, $collectionName);

$mediaItems = $newsItem->getMedia($collectionName)
$urlToOriginalUploadedImage = $mediaItems[0]->getOriginalURL();
$urlToListImage = $mediaItems[0]->getURL('list');
$urlToDetailImage = $mediaItems[0]->getURL('detail');

Because getting an url to the first mediaItem in a collection is such a common scenario the getFirstMediaURL- convenience-method is provided. The first parameter is the name of the collection, the second the name of an imageprofile.

$urlToFirstListImage = $newsItem->getFirstMediaURL('myFirstCollection', 'list');

###Generate a derived image without defining a profile You can also generate a derived image on the fly by passing an array with parameters from the Glide API into the getURL-function:

$mediaItem->getURL(['w' => 450, 'h' => 200, 'filt' => 'greyscale']);

This call will generate an url that, when hit, will generate the derived image.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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