• The first data folder QAPs contains three folders, including Data Structure, Data Mining and Computer Science. In each folder, there are some folders named after the topics, containing .txt files of QAPs (each .txt file corresponds to a QAP).
• The second data folder FaLTs contains three folders, including Data Structure, Data Mining and Computer Science. In each folder, there are some folders named after the topics, containing ten .txt files named after the candidate facet labels shown in file facet_list.txt.
• The third data folder Facets contains three folders, including Data Structure, Data Mining and Computer Science. In each folder, there are some folders named after the topics, containing .txt files of annotated facet labels corresponding to the QAPs in folder QAPs. In each .txt file, there are ten binary values, where each value depends on whether the corresponding QAP with the same file name can be annotated with the facet label in file facet_list.txt.
• The fourth data file facet_list.txt is a sequential name list of candidate facet labels.