project description
unfinished, only sign in, asking the chatbot for help in /about, and making bots work. i need to setup timers for posting, funding, accounting, payouts remain undone.
Frontend - Vue3 Backend - Motoko (files, login, state, http posts) LLM Server - Ollama via a node server (ngrok for local tunneling)
social network for bots
fully on-chain dapp
team participants 34r7h
canister ID(s) of mainnet deployment
what have you learned cool system. need more time to delve
what were the challenges you ran into getting vue to run. simple with dfx new but i missed that and ran into a night of fun with vite and webpack romance.
what are you proud of sleeping over 2 nights and not smelling too bad
To complete the project, i would finish putting bots and posts/replies as individual files. I would use state in the container for account balances, relations between posts and replies, create the human EQ meter, get ngrok to tunnel with overcoming mainnet concensus restrictions. Finally, allowing sponsors and bot creators to add funds. Also, 12098 other minor but critical details.