CMDBuild is a web environment in which you can configure custom solutions for IT Governance, or more generally for asset management.
READY2USE pre-configured CMDBuild READY TO BE USED within the production environment
openMaint open source solution for the Property & Facility Management; an application for the management of buildings, installations, movable assets and related maintenance activities
29/12/2020 Add openMAINT 2.1 on CMDBuild 3.3b @afcarvalho1991 contribution
12/10/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.3, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2.1 @afcarvalho1991 contribution
11/06/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.2.1, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2.1
19/02/2020 Add CMDBuild 3.2, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.2
27/10/2019 Add CMDBuild 3.1.1, READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0 on CMDBuild 3.1.1
04/08/2019 Add READY2USE 2.0 and openMAINT 2.0
12/07/2019 Add CMDBuild 3.1 with old version READY2USE (but we still waiting 2.0)
This is the unofficial repository with all the versions of cmdbuild.
I will update the repository every time there is a new version of cmdbuild available
Sometimes container cmdbuild_app after first run may be stopped, because it need more memory for this. Please, restart it
Please open issues on github
docker run --name cmdbuild_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name cmdbuild_app --restart unless-stopped --link cmdbuild_db -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:app-3.2.1
sh # or select the specific version needed and the DB image
docker run --name cmdbuild_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name cmdbuild_app --restart unless-stopped -e CMDBUILD_DUMP="demo.dump.xz" --link cmdbuild_db -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:r2u-2.0-3.3.1
docker run --name openmaint_db -p 5432:5432 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:db-3.0
docker run --name openmaint_app --restart unless-stopped -e CMDBUILD_DUMP="demo.dump.xz" --link openmaint_db -p 8090:8080 -d itmicus/cmdbuild:om-2.0-3.2.1
git clone
cd to folder version 3.2 or ready2use 2.0 or openmaint 2.0 and run
docker-compose up -d
git clone
Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file
docker-compose up -d
git clone
Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file
docker-compose up -d
git clone
Build local openMAINT 2.1-3.3b docker image:
docker build -t itmicus/cmdbuild:om-2.1-3.3-b openmaint-2.1-3.3-b/. --label "version=1.0" --label "maintaner=Andre Carvalho <[email protected]>"
Open file docker-compose.yml and change to CMDBUILD_DUMP=demo.dump.xz and save file
docker-compose -f openmaint-2.1-3.3-b/docker-compose.yml up
Waiting while all container starting and initilize database (about few minutes) and open your browser
Login: admin
Password: admin
Login: admin
Password: password
POSTGRES_HOST: cmdbuild_db
POSTGRES_DB: cmdbuild_db3
- demo.dump.xz
- empty.dump.xz
- admin/admin - full admin
- demouser/demouser - multi-groups
- guest/guest - readonly
If you want to change type DB you must drop old database
docker-compose exec cmdbuild_app /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cmdbuild/ dbconfig drop -configfile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/cmdbuild/database.conf
and after run container with new value of CMDBUILD_DUMP