faraday Public
Forked from lostisland/faradaySimple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
insight Public
Forked from creditease-sec/insight洞察-宜信集应用系统资产管理、漏洞全生命周期管理、安全知识库管理三位一体的平台。
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 11, 2018 -
jackhammer Public
Forked from olacabs/jackhammerJackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
Python Other UpdatedJul 1, 2018 -
SecurityManageFramwork-SeMF Public
Forked from xiongjungit/SecurityManageFramwork-SeMF企业内网安全管理平台,包含资产管理,漏洞管理,账号管理,知识库管、安全扫描自动化功能模块,可用于企业内部的安全管理。 本平台旨在帮助安全人员少,业务线繁杂,周期巡检困难,自动化程度低的甲方,更好的实现企业内部的安全管理。
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2018 -
mitm_relay Public
Forked from jrmdev/mitm_relayHackish way to intercept and modify non-HTTP protocols through Burp & others.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 8, 2018 -
AuthMatrix Public
Forked from SecurityInnovation/AuthMatrixAuthMatrix is a Burp Suite extension that provides a simple way to test authorization in web applications and web services.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2018 -
Burp-Non-HTTP-Extension Public
Forked from summitt/Nope-ProxyNon-HTTP Protocol Extension (NoPE) Proxy and DNS for Burp Suite.
Java UpdatedApr 7, 2017