This application is a dynamic Rock-Paper-Scissors game developed using React and TypeScript.
Welcome to the Rock-Paper-Scissors Game!
In this game, you will encounter a dynamic environment where different elements move freely within a box. These elements can be either Rock, Paper, or Scissors, and they interact with each other in unique ways based on the classic rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Here’s how the game works:
- Rock
- Paper
- Scissors
- All elements move freely within the boundaries of the box.
- Each element travels in random directions and can change direction upon hitting the box's edges.
- When two elements touch each other, they undergo a transformation based on
the rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors:
- Rock vs. Paper: The Rock transforms into Paper.
- Paper vs. Scissors: The Paper transforms into Scissors.
- Scissors vs. Rock: The Scissors transforms into Rock.
- When identical elements touch, they remain the same (e.g., Rock touching another Rock stays as Rock).
- The element that "wins" in the interaction causes the other element to transform into its type.
- When two elements touch each other, they undergo a transformation based on
the rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors:
The main objective of the game is to observe how elements interact and transform within the box. You can enjoy watching the endless transformations as elements continue to move and interact according to the rules.
Feel free to sit back, relax, and enjoy the mesmerizing dance of Rock, Paper, and Scissors as they perpetually change and evolve within the game.
Have fun!
This application uses pnpm as its package manager. Follow the instructions below to set up and run the application.
Make sure you have pnpm installed. If not, you can install it globally using npm:
npm install -g pnpm
Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd rock-paper-scissors
pnpm install
Start the development server:
pnpm dev
This will start the application in development mode