Simple template-based parsing and transforming of value-based text files. User interface made with egui.
DISCLAIMER: this application is a hobby project and should be used as such. Any other use it at your own risk. It is provided as-is and is not likely to be maintained regularly.
The application can be used to reshape text files, like CSV-files or files delimited in other ways, to other formats. Example of source template to read a file:
<date> <time>: <systolic>/<diastolic> <pulse>
Blank here means "one or more white space characters". Input file can be like:
2024-10-25 M: 131/79 63
2024-10-25 K: 133/81 82
2024-10-26 M: 116/72 81
With a target template (to display and export) a file like:
The output would be:
As for now, only simple use cases like this are supported.
Possible extension to markup could be support for types and conversions. For example:
<date="%Y-%m-%d"> <time="M"|"K">: <systolic=u8>/<diastolic=u8> <pulse=u8>
If so, expressions could be supported in the output format like,
<date as "%m/%d/%Y">,<time as 1|2>,<systolic * 100 + distolic>,<pulse / 60>