A reactive store focused on simplicity, explicitness and extensibility.
- Type safety: With Rx Store you can use typescript type checking. Unless redux and similar tools uses TypeScript features to allow you to avoid runtime errors.
- Easy to learn and use: A store is a wrapper object that contains
an observable. Giving you an API to interact with this Subject.
- No boilerplate code.
- No FP patterns.
- Choose between select an observable or a snapshot value.
- Easy to extend: Thanks to the usage of interceptors you can extend the behaviour of your Stores.
- No nested stores: For the moment there is no possible to create nested stores. Less is more, create a store for each context. If you want side effects you can use Observables or interceptors.
import {RxStore} from "@zertifier/rx-store";
export interface UserStore {
id: number;
email: string;
name: string;
// These are the zero values. When a store is reset this values will be set to the store
const userStore = new RxStore<UserStore>({id: 0, email: '', name: ''});
const id$ = userStore.select(store => store.id);
id$.subscribe(value => console.log(`new Id ${value}`));
userStore.patchState({id: 1}); // new Id 1
userStore.patchState({id: 2}); // new Id 2
userStore.patchState({id: 3}); // new Id 3