Simple command line tool to scan ethereum network's incoming or outgoing tranasctions
Returns last parsed block number -
Subscribes address to track it's transactions (program will ask to enter address) -
Retreives list of address's transactions since subscription block (program will ask to enter address) -
Exits application
- No external libraries has been used, following KISS and YAGNI principle for simple MVP
- Program parses block starting from the latest one, not from genesys block
- Program consumes memory a lot because of in-memory storage, don't forget to turn it off after you're done
- Program doesn't validate address format, so it's up to user to enter valid ethereum address
- Program intended for personal non-production usage, so error handling and recovery simplified
- Parser's module exposes minimal interface as it was given in requirements
- Ethereum client, Storage and Daemon are internal details of module, don't expect separate modules for them
- Program was written to to do what's been required, with minimal effort following YAGNI principle
- Command line interface is just for the demo purposes, so it's not intended to follow any of Golang's CLI guides