Debian Buster install script for samsung arm chromebooks. Designed to be run ON the target device from an arch boot stick created from Copy to partition 2 when creating the stick, or get it some other way after you've booted into the usb environment. You will need to use CTRL+u at the dev mode screen, and you cannot boot from the blue usb3 port.
To run, just 'bash', then select your wifi, enter the target device path (/dev/mmcblk0 for internal emmc), and hurry up and wait.
The magic
The magic part is just a honking debootstrap command to build a usable debian root from upstream sources using the arch kernel and modules to get you off of google's udders. It then does a few useful tweaks to make the system usable on first boot.
But what does it dooooooo?
- Partitions your device
- Copies arch kernel and modules
- Grabs debootstrap
- Debootstraps a debian system
- Puts a nice trackpad config in place (broken, but it's a really nice config)
- Disables DPMS in xorg (broken)
- Sleep hacks in ACPI to disable KB/mouse wake when lid is closed
- Sets up a WPA wifi connection with wpa_passphrase(broken)
- Boots to a minimal fluxbox graphical env