Lecture - 001 : Intro to programming & flowcharts - 22-12-2022 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 002 : Write your first program in C++ - 23-12-2022 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 003 : If-else, while loop & lots of pattern - 28-12-2022 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 004 : Solving pattern questions - 29-12-2022 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 005 : Bitwise operators, for loops, operator precedence & variable scoping - 30-12-2022 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 006 : Binary & decimal number system - 02-01-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 007 : Leetcode problem solving session - 03-01-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 008 : Switch statement & functions - 04-01-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 009 : Introduction to arrays in C++ - 05-01-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 010 : Solving leetcode/codestudio questions (arrays) - 06-01-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 011 : Time & space complexity - 09-01-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 012 : Binary search - 09-01-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 013 : Binary search interview questions (part-1) - 10-01-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 014 : Binary search interview questions (part-2) - 11-01-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 015 : Book allocation & aggressive cow problem - 12-01-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 016 : Selection sort - 14-01-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 017 : Bubble sort - 16-01-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 018 : Insertion sort - 17-01-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 019 : C++ STL - 20-01-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 020 : Solving leetcode/codestudio questions (arrays) - 21-01-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 021 : Solving leetcode/codestudio questions (arrays) - 23-01-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 022 : All about char arrays, strings & solving leetcode questions - 25-01-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 023 : Introduction to 2D arrays in C++ - 21-02-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 024 : Basic math for DSA - 22-02-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 025 : Pointers in C++ (part-1) - 23-02-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 026 : Pointers in C++ (part-2) - 24-02-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 027 : Double pointers in C++ - 25-02-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 028 : Reference variables, static vs dynamic memory - 26-02-2023 (Sun) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 029 : Dynamic memory allocation - 26-02-2023 (Sun) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 030 : Macros, global variables, inline functions & default arguments - 27-02-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 031 : Learning recursion the best way - 27-02-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 032 : Understanding recursion - 28-02-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 033 : Recursion & binary search - 01-03-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 034 : Recursion with strings - 02-03-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 035 : Merge sort using recursion - 03-03-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 036 : Quick sort using recursion - 04-03-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 037 : Recursion: subsets/subsequences of string - 05-03-2023 (Sun) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 038 : Phone keypad problem - 06-03-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 039 : Permutation of a string - 07-03-2023 (Tue) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 040 : Rat in a maze problem - 09-03-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 041 : Time & space complexity of recursive algorithm - 10-03-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 042 : OOPs concepts in C++ - 13-03-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 043 : A pillars of OOPs concept: inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation & abstraction - 16-03-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 044 : Linked list & its types - singly, doubly, circular - 22-03-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 045 : Linked list questions: reverse LL and find middle of LL - 23-03-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 046 : Linked list questions: reverse LL in 'k group' && check LL is circular or not - 25-03-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 047 : Detect & remove loop in linked list - 26-03-2023 (Sun) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 048 : Remove duplicates from a sorted/unsorted linked list
Lecture - 049 : Merge 2 sorted linked list & sort 0s, 1s, 2s in linked list
Lecture - 050 : Check palindrome in linked list
Lecture - 051 : Add 2 Numbers represented by linked lists
Lecture - 052 : Clone a linked list with random pointers
Lecture - 053 : Merge sort in linked list
Lecture - 054 : Introduction to stacks
Lecture - 055 : Stack interview questions
Lecture - 056 : Largest rectangular area in histogram - 12-04-2023 (Wed) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 057 : Stack - celebrity problem & max rectangle in binary matrix with all 1's - 13-04-2023 (Thu) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 058 : 'N' stacks in an array - 14-04-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 059 : Design special stack problem - 15-04-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 060 : Queues in C++ - 17-04-2023 (Mon) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 061 : Queue FAANG interview questions
Lecture - 062 : Binary trees & its representations - 21-04-2023 (Fri) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 063 : Binary tree FAANG interview questions (part-1) - 22-04-2023 (Sat) ✅ (View Code)
Lecture - 064 : Binary tree FAANG interview questions (part-2)
Lecture - 065 : Binary tree FAANG interview questions (part-3)
Lecture - 066 : Construct a binary tree from inorder, preorder & postorder traversal
Lecture - 067 : Minimum time to burn the entire binary tree
Lecture - 068 : Morris traversal: Flatten a binary tree to linked list
Lecture - 069 : Binary search tree & its implementation
Lecture - 070 : Binary search tree FAANG interview questions (part-1)
Lecture - 071 : Binary search tree FAANG interview questions (part-2)
Lecture - 072 : Merge 2 binary search trees
Lecture - 073 : Largest BST in a binary tree
Lecture - 074 : Heaps in C++
Lecture - 075 : Heaps interview questions (part-1)
Lecture - 076 : Heaps interview questions (part-2)
Lecture - 077 : Heaps interview questions (part-3)
Lecture - 078 : Hashmaps in C++
Lecture - 079 : Trie & its implementation
Lecture - 080 : Longest common prefix problem
Lecture - 081 : Implement a phone directory using trie
Lecture - 082 : Rat in maze problem
Lecture - 083 : N-Queen problem
Lecture - 084 : Sudoku solver problem
Lecture - 085 : Introduction to graphs
Lecture - 086 : BFS traversal in graphs
Lecture - 087 : DFS traversal in graphs
Lecture - 088 : Cycle detection in undirected graphs
Lecture - 089 : Cycle detection in directed graphs
Lecture - 090 : Topological sort (using DFS)
Lecture - 091 : Topological sort (using kahn's algorithm)
Lecture - 092 : Cycle detection in directed graphs (using BFS)
Lecture - 093 : Shortest path in undirected graphs
Lecture - 094 : Shortest path in directed acyclic graphs
Lecture - 095 : Dijkstra's algorithm
Lecture - 096 : Minimum spanning tree
Lecture - 097 : Kruskal's algorithm, Disjoint set & Union by rank & path compression
Lecture - 098 : Bridges in a graph
Lecture - 099 : Articulation points in graphs
Lecture - 100 : Kosaraju's algorithm for strongly connected components
Lecture - 101 : Bellman ford algorithm
Lecture - 102 : Introduction to dynamic programming
Lecture - 103 : Minimum cost climbing stairs
Lecture - 104 : Minimum number of coins
Lecture - 105 : Maximum sum of non-adjacent elements
Lecture - 106 : House robbery problem
Lecture - 107 : Cut rod into segments of X, Y, Z
Lecture - 108 : Count derangements
Lecture - 109 : Painting fence algorithm
Lecture - 110 : 0/1 knapsack problem - 2D DP concept
Lecture - 111 : Combination sum IV problem
Lecture - 112 : Perfect squares problem
Lecture - 113 : Minimum cost for tickets (part-1)
Lecture - 114 : Minimum cost for tickets (part-2)
Lecture - 115 : Largest square area in matrix
Lecture - 116 : Min score triangulation problem
Lecture - 117 : Minimum sideways jump leetcode
Lecture - 118 : Reducing dishes leetcode
Lecture - 119 : Longest increasing subsequence & Russian Doll leetcode
Lecture - 120 : Maximum height by stacking cuboid
Lecture - 121 : Pizza with 3n slices
Lecture - 122 : Number of dice rolls with target sum
Lecture - 123 : Partition equal subset sum
Lecture - 124 : Minimum swaps to make subsequences increasing
Lecture - 125 : Longest arithmetic subsequence
Lecture - 126 : Longest AP with given difference 'd'
Lecture - 127 : Unique binary search trees & catalan numbers
Lecture - 128 : Guess number higher or lower
Lecture - 129 : Minimum cost tree from leaf values
Lecture - 130 : Buy and sell stock (part-1)
Lecture - 131 : Buy and sell stock (part-2)
Lecture - 132 : Buy and sell stock (part-3)
Lecture - 133 : Buy and sell stock (part-4)
Lecture - 134 : Buy and sell stock (part-5)
Lecture - 135 : Longest common subsequence
Lecture - 136 : Longest palindromic subsequence
Lecture - 137 : Edit distance
Lecture - 138 : Maximum rectangle with all 1's
Lecture - 139 : Wildcard pattern matching
Lecture - 140 : Greedy algorithms
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Lecture wise code files of Love Babbar DSA course in C++
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- C++ 93.8%
- Java 3.5%
- Python 2.7%