Simply go to
You could use [repo_root_path]/testdata as test data. If you are going to use your own test data, please follow Step5 below.
Makes sure you have python3
and pip
installed. Python 3.7
was confirmed to work, lower versions of Python3
were not tested.
Python 2.x
were confirmed NOT working.
pip3 install 'flask>=1.1.1' pandas xlsxwriter xlrd textdistance
If you do not have a shortcut for pip, use
python3 -m pip install 'flask>=1.1.1' pandas xlsxwriter xlrd textdistance
or python -m pip install 'flask>=1.1.1' pandas xlsxwriter xlrd textdistance
Please notice some lower versions of flask were confirmed NOT working.
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone
cd swen90014-2019-rv-quoll
flask run
If you do not have a shortcut for flask, use
python3 -m flask run
python -m flask run
The server should be listening on (defualt setting of flask)
To run all back-end unit tests: python3
For mannual test, you could use [repo_root_path]/testdata as test data.
Note: In this sprint, we have not handled possible errors or exceptions yet. If you are going to use your own test data, please notice that the format of the Excel file must follow all rules below:
- File extension MUST be .xls or .xlsx
- The excel file MUST have two worksheets.
- The first row should be the description of each item.
- Students' data should begin from the third row.
- The number of sub-items should be greater than the max marks.
1. Every team member should keep one branch at least, under their control, for which they should develop the project and add features.
2. The 'master' branch is under the control of Baigong Li. Every pull requests made by other team members must be
reviewed by him, before the pull request is closed.
3. There is no need to create one branch for each feature that the team member developed. However, if you do feel
like it is better to do so, feel free to add branch that named with the feature name. The naming should be clear
and in-confusing, so that other team members an easily get the ideas of the branch.
4. After sprint finished, branches can be closed, in order to reduce confusion in later sprint 3.
1. Every team member who wants to commit to the project, must not push their code directly to the master branch.
2. Every team member who submits the pull request, must have another team member's review, if your current work has
modified his/her code.
3. Every team member who modified other team member's code, must inform him/her.
4. Every team member who wants to merge own branch to the master branch/create pull requests to master branch, must
be review by Baigong Li before closing pull requests, since he is in charge of combining front-end and back-end together.