#Amazon ECS PHP Library Version 1.2 AmazonECS is a class which searchs products and fetchs information about it from tha amazon productdatabase.
This is realized by the Product Advertising API (former ECS) from Amazon WS Front. https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/advertising/api/detail/main.html
The AmazonECS class fetchs productinformation via SOAP Requests directly from the Amazon-Database.
It supports two basic operations: ItemSearch and ItemLookup (Version <= 1.0) and three operations: ItemSearch, ItemLookup and BrowseNodeLookup (Version >= 1.1)
These operations could be expanded with extra prarmeters to specialize the query.
Requirement is the PHP extension SOAP.
##Basic Usage:
require_once 'lib/AmazonECS.class.php';
$client = new AmazonECS('YOUT API KEY', 'YOUR SECRET KEY', 'DE');
$response = $client->category('Books')->search('PHP 5');
For some very simple examples go to the samples-folder and have a look at the sample files. These files contain all information you need for building querys successful.
##Webservice Documentation: Hosted on Amazon.com: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/
##More information: See wikipages for more information: https://github.com/Exeu/Amazon-ECS-PHP-Library/wiki