This is a full tutorial to verify simple ALU design using UVM (Univeral Verification Medothology) and SystemVerilog.
- rtl: RTL design
- dv/tb: Testbench and interface
- dv/tests: Testcases
- dv/sequences: Generate stimulus transaction
- dv/env: Environment, agent, scoreboard, coverage ...
- dv/vips: Questa VIP (apb)
- dv/sim: Makefile, file lists.
- uvm/uvm-1.2: Source code UVM version 1.2
- uvm/uvm-1.1d: Source code UVM version 1.1d
- docs: Specs and documents
Test | Description |
alu_add_test | ADD operation test |
alu_sub_test | SUB operation test |
alu_and_test | AND operation test |
alu_or_test | OR operation test |
alu_xor_test | XOR operation test |
alu_not_test | Invert (NOT) operation test |
alu_sll_test | Shift Left operation test |
alu_srl_test | Shift Right operation test |
alu_rll_test | Rotate Left operation test |
alu_rrl_test | Rotate Right operation left |
alu_cmpeq_test | Compare Equal operation test |
alu_cmplt_test | Compare Less Than operation test |
alu_cmpgt_test | Compare Greater Than operation test |
alu_reg_reset_test | Reset/Initial register value test |
alu_reg_bitbash_test | Bitbash register value test |
alu_test | Full randomized test |
alu_nodelay_test | No delay trans test |
alu_longdelay_test | Long delay trans test |
alu_error_test | Invalid operation test |
- Go to dir:
cd dv/sim
- Compile:
make compile
- Simulate:
make simulation TEST=test_to_run SEED=optional
- Open waveform:
make waveform
- Generate coverage report:
make coverage
NOTE: Change PLI_PATH in Makefile depending on your environment for generating Verdi waveform
- Go to:
cd dv/sim
- Execute:
perl [-options] regression.f
Test | Number Loop |
alu_add_test | 5 |
alu_sub_test | 5 |
alu_and_test | 5 |
alu_or_test | 5 |
alu_xor_test | 5 |
alu_not_test | 5 |
alu_sll_test | 5 |
alu_srl_test | 5 |
alu_rll_test | 5 |
alu_rrl_test | 5 |
alu_cmpeq_test | 5 |
alu_cmplt_test | 5 |
alu_cmpgt_test | 5 |
alu_reg_reset_test | 5 |
alu_reg_bitbash_test | 5 |
alu_test | 10 |
alu_nodelay_test | 10 |
alu_longdelay_test | 10 |
alu_error_test | 5 |
It means every test will be executed "number loop" times
- coverage : Generate coverage report
- simulate : Run simulation only (assume already compiled before)
- compile : Run complation only
- option : Pass the option to Makefile for submiting server of EDA tools (vcs, vsim, urg, etc.)
Simple ALU design supports the following operation:
ADD (opcode = 5'b00001):
- Description: Add 2 inputs. If the operation is overflow, the carry bit (status[4]) will be set.
- Implementation: {status[4], out[7:0]} = in1[7:0] + in2[7:0]
SUB (opcode = 5'b00010):
- Description: Subtract 2 8-bit inputs. If the operation is overflow, the neg bit (status[3]) will be set
- Implementation: {status[3], out[7:0]} = in1[7:0] - in2[7:0]
AND (opcode = 5'b00011):
- Description: And bitwise 2 8-bit inputs
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0] & in2[7:0]
OR (opcode = 5'b00100):
- Description: Or bitwise 2 8-bit inputs
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0] | in2[7:0]
XOR (opcode = 5'b00101):
- Description: Xor 2 8-bit inputs
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0] ^ in2[7:0]
NOT (opcode = 5'b00110):
- Description: Invert the the first 8-bit input (operand 1)
- Implementation: out[7:0] = ~in1[7:0]
SLL (opcode = 5'b00111):
- Description: Shift left the first 8-bit input with the second input
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0] << in2[2:0]
SRL (opcode = 5'b01000):
- Description: Shift right the first 8-bit input with the second input
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0] >> in2[2:0]
RLL (opcode = 5'b01001):
- Description: Rotate left the first 8-bit input with the second input
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0]; repeat(in2[2:0]): out[7:0] = {[out[6:0], out[7]}
RRL (opcode = 5'b01010):
- Description: Shift right the first 8-bit input with the second input
- Implementation: out[7:0] = in1[7:0]; repeat(in2[2:0]): out[7:0] = {[out[0], out[7:1]}
CMPEQ (opcode = 5'b01011):
- Description: Compare If Equal. This operation compares 2 8-bit inputs, set status[2] if they are equal
- Implementation: status[2] = (in1 == in2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0
CMPLT (opcode = 5'b01100):
- Description: Compare If Less Than. This operation compares 2 8-bit inputs, set status[1] if the first smaller than the second
- Implementation: status[2] = (in1 < in2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0
CMPGT (opcode = 5'b01101):
- Description: Compare If Greater Than. This operation compares 2 8-bit inputs, set status[0] if the first larger than the second
- Implementation: status[0] = (in1 > in2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0