Mist.io helps you manage and monitor your virtual machines, across different clouds, using any device that can access the web. It is provided under the GNU AGPL v3.0 License. Check out the freemium service at https://mist.io
Mist.io is written in Python. Currently it is tested and developed using Python 2.7. The only system wide requirements are Python, Python header files and some basic build tools. Git is used for revision control. Every other dependency is build automatically via zc.buildout. Although we use zc.buildout it is recommended to install mist.io in a virtualenv to avoid conflicts with eggs in the system's Python.
To install the basic requirements in a Debian based distro do:
sudo aptitude install gcc python-dev build-essential git erlang libpcre3-dev python-lxml python-virtualenv
In Red Hat based systems the following packages need to be installed:
sudo yum install git python-virtualenv python-dev erlang pcre python-lxml gcc libxml2 libxml2-python libxml2-devel python-zc-buildout
If you run the command erl after that and it is not found, then package erlang might be missing from the official repos so it needs to be installed manually:
sudo yum install wget -y wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-7.rpm epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm sudo yum install erlang -y
For openSUSE distibution, you'll have to additionally install:
sudo zypper in python-gevent libevent-devel
In MacOSX you have to install Xcode and its command line tools. For virtualenv you simply run:
sudo easy_install virtualenv
Supposing you have all the above, the steps are simple. Login as user, clone the repository, create a virtualenv and run buildout. This will fail if you run it as root or with sudo, so make sure you run it as user
git clone https://github.com/mistio/mist.io.git cd mist.io virtualenv --no-site-packages . ./bin/python bootstrap.py ./bin/buildout -v
If you plan to support KVM you should install libvirt library:
For Debian systems:
sudo aptitude install libvirt-bin libvirt-dev ./bin/pip install libvirt-python
While for Redhat based:
yum install libvirt-devel -y ./bin/pip install libvirt-python
For vSphere support, you should install pyvmomi library:
./bin/pip install pyvmomi
In case you are using an older version of setuptools, bootstrap will fail. To solve this you need to:
./bin/pip install setuptools --upgrade
If you are using Python 2.6 you'll have to install ipython version 1, otherwise buildout will fail:
./bin/pip install ipython==1
In MacOSX in case you are using Xcode 7 buildout will fail. To solve this you need to:
CFLAGS='-std=c99' ./bin/buildout -v
Mist.io comes with supervisor in order to handle all the processes.
To get it up and running:
For development you can tail the logs:
tail -f var/log/*.log
You can also monitor that all the processes are up and running:
./bin/supervisorctl status
Finally, you can start, stop or restart a specific process:
./bin/supervisorctl restart uwsgi
Point your browser to and you are ready to roll!
I install mist.io and visit http://localhost:8000 but I don't see anything
make sure all services are running:
user@user:~/mist.io$ ./bin/supervisorctl status celery RUNNING pid 15169, uptime 0:00:02 haproxy RUNNING pid 15165, uptime 0:00:02 hub-shell RUNNING pid 15172, uptime 0:00:02 memcache RUNNING pid 15170, uptime 0:00:02 rabbitmq RUNNING pid 15168, uptime 0:00:02 sockjs RUNNING pid 15166, uptime 0:00:02 uwsgi RUNNING pid 15167, uptime 0:00:02
if you don't see a service as RUNNING then mist.io won't be able to start properly. Make sure that all dependencies have been added to the system before running the buildout, if not install them and re-run the buildout. Also have a look on the logs that are on var/log dir:
user@user:~/mist.io$ tail -f var/log/*.log
By default mist.io binds on the localhost interface, if you want to change this behavior edit haproxy.conf and change the line:
frontend www localhost:8000
frontend www
then restart haproxy:
user@user:~/mist.io$ ./bin/supervisorctl restart haproxy
Make sure that no other service has already binded on port 8000. It should now load on http://your_ip:8000
If this does not load check if a local firewall policy denies incoming access to port 8000, or if your provider denies incoming access to port 8000 (eg the default ec2 policy for some regions)
First make sure that erlang is installed, otherwise it won't be able to start (on RedHat based OS you might have to install it manually, see the install section). On some Ubuntu systems there's an error that prevents rabbitmq from starting correctly, if that's the case for you try to start epmd manually and then restart rabbitmq:
user@user:~/mist.io$ ./bin/supervisorctl status rabbitmq rabbitmq STARTING user@user:~/mist.io$ epmd -daemon && ./bin/supervisorctl restart rabbitmq user@user:~/mist.io$ ./bin/supervisorctl status rabbitmq rabbitmq RUNNING pid 18808, uptime 0:00:06