Web and Game/Engine Developer. Currently working on a cross-platform BGFX and WebGPU renderer.
- OptiDice: 3D Physics-based dice app for WearOS watches made in Godot
- Monochromatic Observer: A simple demo website with Custom Themes and some simple graphics demonstrations
- Penumbra: Simple Renderer that can be compiled with BGFX or WebGPU
- Occlusion: Modular Game Engine made with Penumbra in C++
- Seload: SO and DLL hot-reloading library
- Meatgrinder: Scene compiler for Occlusion and other personal projects
- Selei: CLI Utility for game development in Occlusion
- My favorite programming language is C++
- I enjoy learning about computer graphics and low-level programming
- I'm a Linux user
- I'm fluent in English and Spanish