Assistant.nvim is a Neovim plugin that provides various features related to sample data testing in competitive programming scenarios.
- ⚡ Blazingly fast.
- 🔓 Highly customizable.
- 🌞 Supports both environment and custom themes.
- 😃 Easy to use.
One important factor in competitive programming is Speed. Make sure you don't compromise on that while using some fancy plugin or software.
- Competitive Companion Browser extension
Setup with Lazy.nvim
dependencies = { "stevearc/dressing.nvim" }, -- optional but recommended
keys = {
desc = "Toggle Assistant.nvim window"
opts = {}
commands = {
python = {
extension = "py",
template = nil, -- path to the template file
compile = nil,
execute = {
main = "python3",
cpp = {
extension = "cpp",
template = nil,
compile = {
main = "g++",
args = {
execute = {
args = nil,
ui = {
icons = {
success = "",
failure = "",
unknown = "",
loading = { "", "", "", "", "" },
core = {
process_budget = 5000,
- First line points to github repository from where the plugin is get installed.
- Second line is the dependency array for the plugin, In this case its Dressing.nvim
- Third line contains the options table to customize plugin:
g++ example.cpp -o example # {main} {arg1} {args2} {arg3}
Above code snippet is a command to compile a C++ file, If you take a closure look
on the comment right in front of command you can guess
main = g++
, arg1 = example.cpp
, arg2 = -o
and arg3 = example
So if i want to extend the configuration for Python
I just need to add following code snippet to commands table.
python = {
extension = "py", -- your preferred file extension for python file
compile = nil, -- since python code doesn't get compiled so pass a nil
execute = { -- {main} command and array of {args} as we saw earlier.
main = "python3",
key to the new table is type of file you want to run. In this case is python
you can get the correct file-type of file by just open that file inside neovim
and type the following command.
:lua print(
There is only one command to interact with plugin
which toggle the UI window of plugin and rest operations are done by key-mappings.
-- command to open and close plugin window
Key | Operation |
q |
Close UI |
r |
Run testcase on which the cursor is holded |
R |
Run all available testcases |
c |
Create an empty testcase |
d |
Delete testcase on which the cursor is holded |
e |
Open prompt window for updating expect |
i |
Open prompt window for updating input |
<enter> |
Confirm changes in prompt |
<c-l> |
Navigate to available right window otherwise close the UI |
<c-k> |
Navigate to available up window otherwise close the UI |
<c-h> |
Navigate to available left window otherwise close the UI |
<c-j> |
Navigate to available down window otherwise close the UI |