The project appears to be a web page that emulates the appearance and functionality of YouTube, particularly its header, sidebar, and video content. Here's an overview of the various components and styles used in this project:
HTML Structure:
- The HTML code defines the structure of the web page.
- It includes the header, sidebar, and a grid of video previews.
- The header contains YouTube-like elements, such as a search bar, user profile picture, and notification icons.
- The sidebar features navigation links and icons, similar to YouTube's left-side menu.
CSS Styling:
- The project uses CSS to style and format the HTML elements for a clean and user-friendly design.
Header Styles:
- The header is fixed at the top of the page.
- It has a white background and a subtle border at the bottom.
- The header is divided into three sections: left, middle, and right.
- The left section contains a hamburger menu and the YouTube logo.
- The middle section features a search bar with a search button and a voice search button.
- The right section includes icons for uploading, YouTube apps, and notifications, as well as a user profile picture with a tooltip.
Sidebar Styles:
- The sidebar is fixed to the left side of the page.
- It features navigation links with icons.
- Hovering over a link changes its background color to a light gray, providing a visual
General Styles:
- General styles are applied to all HTML elements.
- The body has padding at the top and sides, creating a margin for content.
- The background color is light gray.
- The Roboto font is used for text.
Video Styles:
- Video content is displayed in a grid with responsive layouts.
- Video thumbnails are scaled to fit their containers.
- Video titles, authors, and statistics are styled for readability.
- The time indicator on each video preview has a black background with white text.
- Video titles are linked to the actual video URLs for navigation.
Media Queries:
- Media queries are used to make the design responsive to different screen sizes.
- The number of columns in the video grid is adjusted for various screen widths.
This project aims to replicate the YouTube user interface, allowing users to browse and view video content. The web page features a familiar header, sidebar, and video previews. The CSS styles provide a clean and modern design, while the use of media queries ensures a responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes.