A Human-LLM Collaborative Approach to Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents
We have published the package to PyPi: Docs2KG,
You can install it via:
pip install Docs2KG
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Detailed setup and tutorial can be found in the documentation.
You have two ways to run the package:
- import the package in the code, and hook it with your own code
- run the package in the command line
# first setup the CONFIG_FILE environment variable to local one
export CONFIG_FILE=config.yml # or any other path for the configuration file
docs2kg # this command will tell you how to use the package
# we currently support the following commands
docs2kg process-document your_input_file --agent-name phi3.5 --agent-type ollama --project-id your_project_id
docs2kg batch-process your_input_dir --agent-name phi3.5 --agent-type ollama --project-id your_project_id
docs2kg list-formats # list all the supported formats
Usage: docs2kg [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Docs2KG - Document to Knowledge Graph conversion tool.
Supports multiple document formats: PDF, DOCX, HTML, and EPUB.
-c, --config PATH Path to the configuration file (default: ./config.yml)
--help Show this message and exit.
batch-process Process all supported documents in a directory.
list-formats List all supported document formats.
neo4j Load data to Neo4j database.
process-document Process a single document file.
Usage: docs2kg process-document [OPTIONS] FILE_PATH
Process a single document file.
FILE_PATH: Path to the document file (PDF, DOCX, HTML, or EPUB)
-p, --project-id TEXT Project ID for the knowledge graph construction
-n, --agent-name TEXT Name of the agent to use for NER extraction
-t, --agent-type TEXT Type of the agent to use for NER extraction
--help Show this message and exit.
Usage: docs2kg neo4j [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID
Load data to Neo4j database.
-m, --mode [import|export|load|docker_start|docker_stop]
Mode of operation (import or export)
-u, --neo4j-uri TEXT URI for the Neo4j database
-U, --neo4j-user TEXT Username for the Neo4j database
-P, --neo4j-password TEXT Password for the Neo4j database
-r, --reset_db Reset the database before loading data
To digest diverse unstructured documents into a unified knowledge graph, there are two main challenges:
- How to get the documents to be digitized?
- With the dual-path data processing
- For image based documents, like scanned PDF, images, etc., we can process them through the layout analysis and OCR, etc. Docling and MinerU are focusing on this part.
- For native digital documents, like ebook, docx, html, etc., we can process them through the programming parser
- It is promising that we will have a robust solution soon.
- With the dual-path data processing
- How to construct a high-quality unified knowledge graph with less effort?
For now, a lot of tools are focusing on the first challenge, however, overlook the second challenge.
To construct a high-quality unified knowledge graph with less effort, we propose the Docs2KG.
- We adapt both bottom-up and top-down approaches to construct the unified knowledge graph and its ontology with the help of LLM.
- We organise the knowledge graph from three aspects:
- MetaKG: the knowledge about all documents, like the author, the publication date, etc.
- LayoutKG: the knowledge about the layout of the documents, like title, subtitle, section, etc.
- SemanticKG: the knowledge about the content of the documents, like entities, relations, etc.
- We provide a human-LLM collaborative interface which allows human to review and enhance the generated knowledge graph.
- An updated version of ontology, entity list, relation list will in return help the KG Construction LLM agent to generate better results in the next iteration.
- The output of the knowledge graph can be used in downstream applications, like RAG, etc.
- Link for the human-LLM collaborative interface: Docs2KG
- After the annotation, metrics to evaluate the quality of automatic construction will be provided.
- How many entities are correctly extracted by each method?
- How many relations are correctly extracted by each method?
- Contribution and retention of each method in the final knowledge graph, including human annotation.
Example of the interface, you only need to register, and you can access it freely.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
pip install -e .
If you find this package useful, please consider citing our work:
title = {Docs2KG: Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents Assisted by Large Language Models},
author = {Qiang Sun and Yuanyi Luo and Wenxiao Zhang and Sirui Li and Jichunyang Li and Kai Niu and Xiangrui Kong and Wei Liu},
year = {2024},
eprint = {2406.02962},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.CL}