A chess game with an AI player and 2D graphics built on top of SFML.NET.
- Implement game-ending conditions checking
- Copy the other
's move history/moves made count into simulatedPiece
s when copy constructing. - Look into whether there's some way to hint to the debugger which field to show first for an object.
should be an enum- Test to ensure King moves properly
- Implement Monte Carlo approach
- SimpleAI should check for pieces that are in danger (only in the current game state, not by looking ahead obviously)
- Look into some way to graphically highlight when pieces move (where the moved from, where to)
- Investigate why the King didn't capture the Pawn in this game state:
6B1/p2p4/P2K4/8/2P4p/8/P3PP1P/R1B3R1 w - - 0 1
- A Piece's possible moves can't include any that would put the King in check
- Detect when a Piece of one color's move opens a path that puts the opponent King in check via another Piece of the same color
- Remove ugly 'I's from piece interface names