#Cli Php automatic cli. Bash suggest and help pages just by creating classes
- Automatic suggest list of commands. Show php doc as help.
- just start type any command and press tab to get bash suggests
acli [tab]
Also component checks requires parameters for your users, shows help
- Create class extended from CliUnit at commands directory.
- All command method should ends on ..Action
- Use string parameters to get any values
- PHP 7+
- composer.json:
"repositories": [
"url": "https://github.com/AKikhaev/Cli.git",
"type": "vcs"
"require": {
"akikhaev/cli": "~1.0"
composer install
- add bash suggester registration to .bash_aliases or just run register.sh for test purpose
#mcedit ~/.bash_aliases
function acli() {
local PWD=$(pwd -P)
if [[ -f "$PWD/acli" ]] ; then
php acli "$@"
function _acli_complete_()
local PWD=$(pwd -P)
if [[ -f "$PWD/acli" ]] ; then
#local pwds
#IFS='/' read -r -a pwds <<< "$PWD"
##mapfile -d / -t pwds <<<"$PWD/"
local cmd="${1##*/}"
local cur_word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local prev_word="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
local line_full=${COMP_LINE}
local line=$(printf " %s" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1}"); line=${line:1}
local suggestAcli=$(php acli $line --silence_greetings --bash_completion_cword=$cur_word --cword_num=$COMP_CWORD)
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$suggestAcli" -- $cur_word))
complete -F _acli_complete_ acli