an easy way come true i18n for python3
基于 python3 实现语言国际化(i18n)
pip install easy_i18n
from easy_i18n.t import Ai18n
a_i18n = Ai18n(locales=["en", "zh"], config={})
t = a_i18n.translate
# after import or define a_i18n and t
# add translation dictionary manually.
a_i18n.add(k="hi", message="hello by added")
# print all the translation dictionary
# simple use
# simple use, translate "hi" to zh
print(t("hi", locale="zh"))
# simple use, translate "hi" to default locale and find it in module user
print(t("hi", module="user"))
# use when string need to format
print(t("user {id} is deleted", locale="zh", module="user").format(id=1))
# 版本>=1.2 增加的逻辑:要翻译的str 指定的语言(locale)不存在则认为指定的是默认语言,在当前语言找不到则原样返回(注:不会再去默认语言查找)
# 要翻译的str 指定的模块(module)不存在则认为指定的是默认模块,在当前模块找不到,如果当前模块是默认模块则原样返回
# 如果当前模块不是默认模块,那么会再重新去默认模块查找翻译,再找不到则原样返回
print(t("hi_only_en", locale="zh"))
print(t("only g has this", locale="zh", module="user"))
print(t("both g and user module has this", locale="zh", module="user"))
print(t("both g and user module has this", locale="zh", module="user1"))
print(t("only en and g has this", locale="zh"))
print(t("only en and g has this"))
Ai18n 类接收两个参数:
1.参数 locales 是list形式,指定了语言都使用哪几种。举例:["en", "zh"] 那么对应的会在config指定的目录下找 en.json 和 zh.json加载过来
默认的 east_i18n 有目录 i18n 可供参考
2.参数 config 是dict形式,你可以指定后覆盖默认的 config值:
:load_path - where to find translate files(default is : i18n)
:default_locale - default locale(default is : en)
:default_module - default module(default is : g)
:default_encoding - default encoding(default is : UTF-8)
config = {
"load_path": "/locales", # 指定在 /locales 下找对应的翻译 json文件
"default_module": "global", # 指定默认的全局模块,你可以为比如用户模块,订单模块单独设置翻译,如果不指定 module 则会去全局模块查找。
a_i18n = Ai18n(locales=["en", "zh"], config=config)
for example your locale is en , define load_path as a absolutely path is recommended,
create an en.json in this path. the content for example is: (default_module should equal g)
"g": {
"hi": "hello world",
"test": "test 1"
"user": {
"hi": "user:hello world",
"user {id} is deleted": "user {id} is deleted"
比如上述例子指定 load_path 为 /locales 且 Ai18n(locales=["en", "zh"], config=config)
那么要提前在 /locales 下 创建 en.json 和 zh.json