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视频去重,用AI对视频去字幕、改写文案并重新配音,一种高级视频二创手法。Remake the video by rephrase the captions and AI dubbing. Remove all the original subtitles by auto OCR and video Inpainting.
The repository provides code for running inference with the Meta Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use th…
Buzz transcribes and translates audio offline on your personal computer. Powered by OpenAI's Whisper.
spring boot canal starter 易用的canal 客户端 canal client
Flink CDC is a streaming data integration tool
A simple, decentralized mesh VPN with WireGuard support.
Get up and running with Llama 3.3, Phi 4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
👩🏿💻👨🏾💻👩🏼💻👨🏽💻👩🏻💻中国独立开发者项目列表 -- 分享大家都在做什么
项目基于SpringBoot+Groovy动态生成API并动态发布,且发布后可动态执行groovy脚本及SQL脚本的Stater。提供在线执行动态程序脚热加载本及动态生成API并执行的功能。 The project is based on SpringBoot+Groovy to dynamically generate APIs and publish them, and can dyna…
Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
青龙面板脚本 青龙脚本 微信机器人:kckl6688 QQ频道:98do10s246 tg频道:
A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
🔥 🔥 🔥 自建Docker镜像加速服务,基于官方Docker Registry 一键部署Docker、K8s、Quay、Ghcr、Mcr、Nvcr等镜像加速\管理服务。支持免服务器部署到Render\Koyeb
基于大模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、拼多多、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱 (后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。
A webui for propainter. Easily pick up objects from the video and eliminate them.
ai副业赚钱大集合,教你如何利用ai做一些副业项目,赚取更多额外收益。The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with AI Side Hustles: Learn how to leverage AI for some cool side gigs and rake in some extra cash. Check out the English versi…