This is a simple client-based Javascript converter for romanized Cantonese text based on data from the Pingyam database.
- Supports eight different forms of romanization (including IPA)
- Supports conversion to and from any two romanization standards
- Can be downloaded and used offline
- Mobile-friendly
- Yale Romanization (耶魯拼音)
- Cantonese Pinyin (教院拼音)
- S. L. Wong Romanization (黃錫凌)
- International Phonetic Alphabet (國際音標)
- Jyutping (粵拼)
- Canton Romanization (廣州拼音)
- Sidney Lau Romanization (劉錫祥)
- Penkyamp (粵語拼音字)
Note: Yale, SL Wong, and Penkyamp are available both using numerals and diacritics.
There is an online demo here.
月光光 照地堂 中秋看燈賞月忙
- Yale (numerals): yut9 gwong1 gwong1 jiu3 dei6 tong4 jung1 chau1 hon3 dang1 seung2 yut9 mong4
- Yale (diacritics): yuht gwōng gwōng jiu deih tòhng jūng chāu hon dāng seúng yuht mòhng
- Cantonese Pinyin: jyt9 gwong1 gwong1 dziu3 dei6 tong4 dzung1 tsau1 hon3 dang1 soeng2 jyt9 mong4
- S. L. Wong (numerals): jyt⁹ gwɔŋ¹ gwɔŋ¹ dziu³ dei⁶ tɔŋ⁴ dzʊŋ¹ tsɐu¹ hɔn³ dɐŋ¹ sœŋ² jyt⁹ mɔŋ⁴
- S. L. Wong (diacritics): __jyt 'gwɔŋ 'gwɔŋ ¯dziu dei ˌtɔŋ 'dzʊŋ 'tsɐu ¯hɔn 'dɐŋ ´sœŋ _jyt ˌmɔŋ
- IPA: jy:t˨ kwɔ:ŋ˥ kwɔ:ŋ˥ tsi:u˧ tei˨ tʰɔ:ŋ˨˩ tsʊŋ˥ tsʰɐu˥ hɔ:n˧ tɐŋ˥ sœ:ŋ˧˥ jy:t˨ mɔ:ŋ˨˩
- Jyutping: jyut6 gwong1 gwong1 ziu3 dei6 tong4 zung1 cau1 hon3 dang1 soeng2 jyut6 mong4
- Canton Romanization: yud6 gwong1 gwong1 jiu3 déi6 tong4 zung1 ceo1 hon3 deng1 sêng2 yud6 mong4
- Sidney Lau: yuet⁶ gwong¹ gwong¹ jiu³ dei⁶ tong⁴ jung¹ chau¹ hon³ dang¹ seung² yuet⁶ mong⁴
- Penkyamp (numerals): yeud6 guong1 guong1 jiu3 dey6 tong4 jonk1 caw1 hon3 dank1 seong2 yeud6 mong4
- Penkyamp (diacritics): yeùd guöng guöng jîu dèy tong jönk cäw hôn dänk seõng yeùd mong
- Yale (numerals): yap9 sat9 yim6 sat7 gam6 gan2 gap7 jai3
- Yale (diacritics): yahp saht yihm sāt gahm gán gāp jai
- Cantonese Pinyin: jap9 sat9 jim6 sat7 gam6 gan2 gap7 dzai3
- S. L. Wong (numerals): jɐp⁹ sɐt⁹ jim⁶ sɐt⁷ gɐm⁶ gɐn² gɐp⁷ dzɐi³
- S. L. Wong (diacritics): __jɐp _sɐt jim 'sɐt _gɐm ´gɐn 'gɐp ¯dzɐi
- IPA: jɐp˨ sɐt˨ ji:m˨ sɐt˥ kɐm˨ kɐn˧˥ kɐp˥ tsɐi˧
- Jyutping: jap6 sat6 jim6 sat1 gam6 gan2 gap1 zai3
- Canton Romanization: _yeb6 sed6 yim6 sed1 gem6 gen2 geb1 zei3 _
- Sidney Lau: yap⁶ sat⁶ yim⁶ sat¹ gam⁶ gan² gap¹ jai³
- Penkyamp (numerals): yap6 sat6 yim6 sat1 gamp6 gant2 gap1 jay3
- Penkyamp (diacritics): yàp sàt yìm sät gàmp gãnt gäp jây
Romanization data has been released under a CC-BY license by kfcd.
CSS by Concise CSS (MIT)
All other code in this repo is licensed under MIT.